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Welcome to the Valuation Faculty

  • The formal objective of the Valuation Faculty (taken from the IRRV's Articles of Association)

    To promote the study of all aspects of valuation of land and interests in land, and to provide support to members of the Association in their professional activities, whether in the United Kingdom or abroad, including, without limitation, the following subject areas:

    • Local and national taxation, including law and practice;
    • Assessment of compensation for the acquisition of land and buildings or injurious affection thereto in connection with the exercise of compulsory powers;
    • Investigating the use of electronic procedures in all valuation areas;
    • Fostering constructive relations with other professional bodies concerned with valuation in the United Kingdom and overseas;
    • Advice, through the Law and Research Committee, on appropriate schemes for the advancement of the professional education of valuers under the auspices of the Institute;
    • Valuation of property assets; and
    • Valuations and methodology for public sector and other statutory purposes.
  • Board Chairman
    Chris Grose MRICS, IRRV (Hons)

    Board Vice-Chairman
    Simon Green MRICS IRRV (Hons)

    Board Members

    Allan Clark MSc, FIRRV, MCMI (ex officio)

    Andrew West MRICS, IRRV (Hons)

    Clare McCormick IRRV (Hons) MBA

    Bruno Salvati MRICS, MCIArb, IRRV (Hons), REV

    Andrew Hetherton MRICS IRRV (Hons)

    John Berry IRRV (Hons) MRICS

    Alan Brontë FRICS IRRV (Hons)

    Gareth Buckley BSc (Hons) MRICS IRRV

    Barry Davies BSc (Agric) Dip LE, MRICS, FAAV, FBIAC

    Carla-Maria Heath BA IRRV (Hons)

    Gordon Heath Bsc, FRAS, IRRV (Hons), MRI

    Antonio (Tony) Masella MRICS MCIOB FIRRV FFA FCMI

    Stephanie O’Neill BSc (Hons) MRICS IRRV RICS Registered Valuer

    Jonathan Percy BSc (Hons) MRICS IRRV (Hons)

    Niall Rankin

    Richard Jones BSc Hons, MRICS, IRRV (Hons)

    David Magor OBE IRRV (Hons)